
Enable auto-suggestion, product attributes that customers can use to search

Provides the capability that lets users quickly and effectively search the content or product catalogs in a store.


  • In the theme editor (Customize), click Search

  • Locate Search

  • Make necessary changes

  • Save.

Results for unavailable products: you can decide the order of the products that out of stock when they were found (not display, normally display or be the lasts items to display)

Enable predictive search: allow to show the products that might be those you looking for base on the input text

Enable text suggest: display a full word base on the letters you typed to search

Predictive search type: after enabling predictive search, you can choose the type of predictive search

  • Predictive search suggest: Give text suggestion base on your current input and related products

  • Predictive search: Only give the related products

Search for (Search for product; Search all): you can choose the search range between 'only product' and 'product and other features'

Quick search: You can set some predefined popular search queries to suggest the search result

Suggest products: You can select a collection to display before beginning a search.

Last updated