Theme translation

Single Language

To translate your theme to another language, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Change your current Published languages

Go to Settings -> Languages -> Change default to change your current Published languages

Step 2: Update default theme content

Go to Online Store -> Themes -> Edit default theme content

Step 3: Translate the theme

You can translate manually for each content.

For more information, please follow this document of Shopify.


To sell in multiple languages, you need to setup your store with some requirements below:

  • Geolocation app by Shopify

  • Translate & Adapt app by Shopify

  • A theme that's compatible with selling in multi-languages. (Alukas theme is compatible with selling in multiple languages.)

Step 1: Install the Geolocation app and Translate & Adapt app by Shopify

Step 2: Add Market

  • Go to Settings -> Market -> Add market to add a new Market

Step 3: Add Language

  • Go to Settings -> Languages -> Add a language to add a new language for your new market

  • Publish this language

Step 4: Back to Market and add new language to your new market

  • Go to Settings -> Market

  • Click to Manage -> Domain and languages of your Primary market and tick to the new language you have just added.

  • Save your configuration and click to Install Translate & Adapt

Step 5: Auto translate theme with Translate & Adapt app

  • Open Translate & Adapt app, click to Auto-translate

  • It might take about 10 minutes. After translating, back to your store and you can see the result

Last updated