Install Alukas Manually
Download Alukas
To download Alukas from Themeforest, please follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to Themeforest => Click to Profile icon and select Downloads
Step 2: Select Alukas item from your Downloads list, Click to Download button => All files and documentation
1. Install Alukas
1.1 Unzip Alukas package
After download Alukas theme from, please extract this file by the following steps.
Step 1: Right click to the theme zip file you have just downloaded
Step 2: Unzip this file and open it
Step 3: All the theme files that need to be changed for the Shopify store are stored in the Demo Preset folder.
1.2. Install Alukas to your store
Step 1: From your admin, click to Online store => Themes => Add theme => Upload zip file
Step 2: Click to Add file
Step 3: Select file zip file and click to Upload file
According to Shopify, after installing Alukas, you will get a theme with placeholder images. You can upload your own images to decorate your store base on Alukas layout.
2. How to import other theme templates?
Step 1: Open the Alukas packaging folder you downloaded that has the Demo Preset folder with all the templates for other homes
Step 2: Go to your admin shopify store, open the theme. Click Theme actions -> Edit code
Step 3: You also need to copy all the .json in config , sections , templates folder. These are changed files and you will paste them to the theme.
This step will update the settings and data: homepage, header, footer and settings of the theme you choose.
Note: There are some default pages and metafields that need to be imported. Please follow Import Pages and Import Metafields directions before using Alukas theme.
Last updated