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From your admin, click to Online store => Themes => Customize
Add Instagram Shop section
Add new block and setup products
Click Save and you can see the result in frontstore
Section width: You can choose among Container, Wrapped container, Full width for the banner layout.
Color scheme: Set text color and background color with preset scheme
Use the provided text fields to add a suitable heading/description. Leave any of them blank if you do not want to display them.
Adjust the text alignment (left/center/right) along with the font size.
Image ratio: Select a preset ratio for the images.
Custom ratio: Define a custom ratio instead.
Hotspot style: Select either a plus sign or a dot sign for the hotspot indicator.
Action when clicked on hotspot: Choose to open a popup or redirect to a product page.
Items per row: This option lets you specify the number of products featured in each row, allowing for a customized layout.
Column gap: Adjust the spacing between two Instagram items to ensure a visually pleasing and well-organized layout within the Instagram block.
Show Next/Back: Display arrows to navigate to the next or previous item.
Pagination: Choose from different types of pagination options.
Setup period time: Configure the time interval for changing slides.
Reveal next slide: Allow a part of the next slide to be visible while the previous one is still displayed.
Items per row: In mobile view, the number of items displayed on each row in the grid layout can be customized to suit your preferences and the overall design of your site.
Section padding allows you to specify the space between this section and the preceding or following sections, or both.
You have the flexibility to choose between Image and Video as the content type for your display, allowing for a diverse range of visual presentations.
Instagram post name: Write a caption for the lookbook that captures its essence or theme.
Instagram link: Provide a direct link to the associated image, enabling users to access it with a single click.
You can include up to 5 products within each lookbook, each marked by a plus sign. The position of these signs can be adjusted to precisely indicate where each product is featured within the lookbook image.