Last updated
Last updated
In the theme editor (Customize), open the template selector
Select Others, then 404 page.
Make necessary changes
Section width: You can choose among Fluid container, Full width, Stretch width for the banner layout.
Select an image that will represent the 404 error page, providing a visual cue to visitors that the page they are seeking cannot be found.
Use the provided text fields to add a suitable heading. Leave it blank if you do not want to display. Besides, you can adjust the text font size, font weight and text transformation here.
Use the provided text fields to add a suitable subheading. Leave it blank if you do not want to display. Besides, you can adjust the text font size, font weight and text transformation here.
Use the provided text fields to add a suitable description. Leave it blank if you do not want to display. Besides, you can adjust the text font size, font weight and text transformation here.
You can configure the button here by adding a content label and specifying the link it should direct to.
Type: Determine the style for the button.
Error that indicates the webpage you are trying to reach cannot be found.